Friday, April 20, 2007


So you thought tools were only for crafty people? The publisher of When Sex Isn't Good has been kind enough to send us an author's marketing toolkit. Of course if we are on Oprah we won't need that. And when each of you buys your copy and tells a friend to buy we won't need it either. What this really means is that the publisher has sent our book off to the printer. In a couple of week we will have our first copies. If they look all right to us--if the printer hasn't made any major messes--we can start to sell our book! How many of you doubted we would ever get here?

Speaking of getting there, Sue and Irwin rented a lovely apartment in San Diego. They have a guest room, so Lil and Wayne will visit often. It's a different apartment than originally planned--better of course!

So that is our news. We would love to hear from all of you, especially after you see a copy of When Sex Isn't Good. We try to be humble, but truth be told, we are very proud of ourselves.

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