Sunday, November 19, 2006

Together again

We finally got to work together again after being separated for two and a half weeks. We worked on the last rewrite of a medical section--effects of childbirth. Now all the medical reference section is complete, waiting for us to proof it. We also have to make sure that it is in language that you, our reader, can understand. So we must go through it painstakingly, translating from "medicalese" to common language, then bringing it back to our medical consultant to ensure that we have not changed any of the meaning of the science. We have already done that for the very extensive glossary, which will be the last part we proof, but we must now tackle the annotations, trying to keep them simple but meaningful. We hope to get through as many of the annotations as possible before Thanksgiving, then finish them the week after, before Sue is on the road again, flying to a sexual medicine meeting in Vienna. She hopes to have dinner with her second cousin while she is over there.

On another note, Lil printed up the business cards for When Sex Isn't Good. They look fabulous, and have been in great demand. Visit one of us and we will be happy to share!

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